Total words: 1026 | 2-word phrases: 251 | 3-word phrases: 301 | 4-word phrases: 320


Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (20 characters)
Reykjavik City Guide
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (409 characters)
Comprehensive visitor’s guide & travel information. Discover the best of Reykjavik and Iceland attractions, galleries & museums, parks & green areas, historical sites, Statues & monuments. Today's News Headlines, Weather forecast, Flights information, Articles about Iceland, Travel Blog and Safe driving in Iceland. This application provides as well detailed online/offline map with turn by turn navigation
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (409 characters)
tourist information, country, Visas & Passports, getting to Iceland, fly to Iceland, Icelandic Airlines, Icelandair, best deals, cheap flight to Iceland, transportation, getting around, accommodation, hotels and guesthouses in Iceland, Icelandic people, politics, economy, safety, camping, tour operators in Iceland, whale watching, horse riding, river rafting, mountaineering, sightseeing in Iceland, outdoor activities in Iceland, hiking and biking in Iceland, Reykjavik marathon, recharge in Reykjavik, horse riding in Iceland, river rafting, whale watching Iceland, backpacking, snowmobiling in Iceland, monster jeep safari, northern lights tours, glacier tours, golfing, Arctic open, Highland travel in Iceland, camping, spa, thermal swimming pools, thermal spa, extreme outdoor, skiing, cross country, Icelandic horse, climbing, diving, cave exploring, base jumping, hunting, shooting, fishing, salmon, trout, History of Iceland, history and origin of Icelanders, Vikings, Viking age, Icelandic sagas, the hidden people, historic places, Leif the lucky, Leif Ericson, exploration of Greenland and America, Christianity in Iceland, witches, superstition and folklore, elves and fairies, gnomes, dwarfs, trolls, ghosts in Reykjavik, ghosts and monsters in Iceland, Icelandic heroes, Norse religion, Asatru, Icelandic runes and magic spells, natural disasters, volcanic eruptions, Hekla, earthquakes, floods, famine, disease, black death, modern Iceland, education, customs and traditions in Iceland, food, fashion, the film industry, music, design, architecture, Iceland world wide, Icelandic nightlife, nightlife in Reykjavik, events in Iceland, events in Reykjavik, pubs and bars in Iceland, eating out, wining and dining in Reykjavik, Icelandic girls, Icelandic porn, Reykjavik, Reykjavik, gay Iceland, party in Reykjavik, Bjork, Sigur Ros, Iceland airwaves, hotels in Reykjavik, exhibitions in Reykjavik, museums in Iceland, galleries in Reykjavik, festivals in Iceland, Icelandic fashion, health and wellness of Icelanders, environment and health, clean air, pure water, longevity, lifestyle, health status, thermal spa's, thermal swimming pools, thermal beach, Icelandic health and rehabilitation clinics, the blue lagoon, NFLÍ health clinic, health and fitness centres, working out, vegetarian restaurants, tour operators, wellness vacations, holistic practitioners, acupuncture, chiropractors, massage, stress management, team building, yoga, alternative medicine, Icelandic herbs, herbal remedies, aromatherapy, Icelandic business, the Icelandic government, invest in Iceland, business in Iceland, Icelandic business resources, Icelandic export, fish industry, stock market in Iceland, adventure capitalism, advertising agencies in Reykjavik, consulting agencies, meeting convention and event organizers in Iceland, concert and ticket agencies in Reykjavik, event and entertainment organizers, exhibitions and trade fare areas, interpretation and translation, transportation and forwarding, airfreight, boat charter, car rentals, forwarding of goods, custom clearance, messenger services trade council of Iceland, the central bank of Iceland, chamber of commerce, invest in Iceland Bureau, shopping in Iceland, shopping areas, shopping mall, Icelandic design, Woollens, Icelandic wool, Icelandic gifts and souvenirs, shopping in Reykjavik, watches and jewellery, books and magazines, Icelandic music and videos, furs and leather, duty free, tax free, fashion, arts, health and beauty, blue lagoon cosmetics, Icelandic food and drink, stores, brands, selection, exporting, currency, prices, shopping in Iceland, shopping areas, shopping mall, Icelandic design, Woollens, Icelandic wool, Icelandic gifts and souvenirs, shopping in reykjavik, watches and jewellery, books and magazines, Icelandic music and videos, furs and leather, duty free, tax free, fashion, arts, health and beauty, blue lagoon cosmetics, Icelandic food and drink, stores, brands, selection, exporting, currency, prices; Icelandic business, Icelandic government, invest in Iceland, business in Iceland, Icelandic business resources, Icelandic export, fish industry, stock market in Iceland, adventure capitalism, advertising agencies in reykjavik, consulting agencies, meeting convention and event organizers in Iceland, concert and ticket agencies in reykjavik, event and entertainment organizers, exhibitions and trade fare arenas, interpretation and translation, transportation and forwarding, airfreight, boat charter, car rentals, forwarding of goods, custom clearance, messenger services trade council of Iceland, the central bank of Iceland, chamber of commerce, invest in Iceland bureau; Icelandic business, Icelandic government, invest in Iceland, business in Iceland, Icelandic business resources, Icelandic export, fish industry, stock market in Iceland, adventure capitalism, advertising agencies in reykjavik, consulting agencies, meeting convention and event organizers in Iceland, concert and ticket agencies in reykjavik, event and entertainment organizers, exhibitions and trade fare arenas, interpretation and translation, transportation and forwarding, airfreight, boat charter, car rentals, forwarding of goods, custom clearance, messenger services trade council of Iceland, the central bank of Iceland, chamber of commerce, invest in Iceland bureau; health and wellness of Icelanders, environment and health, clean air, pure water, longevity, lifestyle, health status, thermal spa’s , thermal swimming pools, thermal beach, Icelandic health and rehabilitation clinics, the blue lagoon, NFLÍ health clinic, health and fitness centres, working out, vegetarian restaurants, tour operators, wellness vacations, holistic practitioners, acupuncture, chiropractors, massage, stress management, tem building, yoga, alternative medicine, Icelandic herbs, herbal remedies, aromatherapy; Icelandic nightlife, nightlife in reykjavik, events in Iceland, events in reykjavik, pubs and bars in Iceland, eating out, wining and dining in reykjavik, Icelandic girls, Icelandic porn, rekavik, rekjavick, gay Iceland, party in rekjavik, bjork, sigurros, Iceland airwaves, hotels in reykjavik, exhibitions in reykjavik, museums in Iceland, galleries in reykjavik, festivals in Iceland, Icelandic fashion; History of Iceland, history and origin of Icelanders, vikings, viking age, Icelandic sagas, the hidden people, historic places, leif the lucky, leif ericson, exploration of Greenland and america, christianity in Iceland, witches, superstition and folklore, elves and fairies, gnomes, dwarfs, trolls, ghosts in reykjavik, ghosts and monsters in Iceland, Icelandic heroes, norse religion, asatru, Icelandic runes and magic spells, natural disasters, volcanic eruptions, hekla, earthquakes, floods, famine, disease, black death, modern Iceland, education, customs and traditions in Iceland, food, fashion, the film industry, music, design, architecture, Iceland world wide
H1 No H1 tag on the page (0 characters)


# Keyword H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density


# Keyword H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
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6show more51.99%
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17best of31.20%
18the best31.20%
19discover the31.20%
20walks discover31.20%


# Keyword H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
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21of attractions galleriesmuseums20.66%
22variety of attractions20.66%
23no image around20.66%
24a variety of20.66%
25me no image20.66%
26walks a variety20.66%
27of reykjavik city20.66%
28best of reykjavik20.66%
29dining no image20.66%
30lagoon at myvatn10.33%


# Keyword H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
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3reykjavik city walks a30.94%
4walks discover the best30.94%
5city walks discover the30.94%
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34lagoon at myvatn nature10.31%
35at myvatn nature baths10.31%
36food beveragesgroceries show more10.31%
37no image food beveragesgroceries10.31%
38nature baths featured no10.31%
39reykjavik city walk no10.31%
40of interests no image10.31%


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